One Headlight Consulting

by sketec • Uploaded: Jun. 06 '08


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Description: One of a few of my Logo design contest entries for One Headlight Consulting.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1603

Lets Discuss

quson Jun. 06 '08

It's pretty hard to read both because of the white on light blue and because of the merging of words.

gthobbs Jun. 08 '08

I thought it was %22one headlight%22 until I clicked. Then I read %22one adlight%22 and wondered what that little piece was over the n. Doesn't work for me.

sketec Jun. 09 '08

Thanks for the feedback folks. Your right, it was a failed attempt. But, I'm learning.

gthobbs Jun. 09 '08

I wouldn't call it failed. I think it was a great thought and shows you're thinking conceptually.


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