
by shirazk • Uploaded: Dec. 23 '08


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Description: Direction: "People helping people" A concept for an EMS company specializing in providing defibrillators and training to help in an emergency.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4323

Lets Discuss

nido Dec. 28 '08

the characters have real depth to them.. real emotion.. well portrayed shirazk!.. just bring it in a little on that gap at the bottom there...

Black ColourBash Dec. 29 '08

Certainly no doubt about the emotional content the characters provide. I'd tend to agree with NIDO with regards to the gap at the bottom. Personally though, I do find the colours rather dull and cold. Perhaps warmer colours could provoke a deeper emotional reaction from the audience. Otherwise, terrific concept and visual execution, Nice Shirazk...

shirazk Jan. 09 '09

Thank you very much guys! I will work with your suggestions. This is my first submission here. Much appreciated.


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