Respond Kids Fashion

by sebbedcom • Uploaded: Sep. 30 '14


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Description: Respond is a newly established brand of fashionable clothing for children. The company is based in Czestochowa, Poland, but its range includes the sales on entire country and beyond. The main tool for brand marketing is an online store that always promotes the current offer of the company. Parents are willing to buy Respond's products due to the high quality of materials and relatively low price. Creating a brand identity consisted mainly of designing elegant and childish logo at the same time. Other elements of identification also had to rely to the idea of ​​the logo. I created a special short story for this brand creation only, the last slide of this story is the final logo. The story is about a boy and girl who meet for the first time and correspond to each by sympathetic gestures - that is Respond, friendly to parents and kids.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 3144
Tags: face lips red

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