by sebastiany • Uploaded: Jan. 05 '09 - Gallerized: Jul. '10
Environmental Analysis Laboratory
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Client work
Lets Discuss
Mikee Likee. Love the colors and intriguing mark.
ReplyThis is very nice, Sebastiany! Can be translated well into a excellent visual identity. :)
ReplyThanks! This is one of my favorites
ReplyGot to be one of my favourites... well done.
Replynice mark and typo! :) custom made?
Replylove the color combo, nice work.
Replyme too!
ReplyThis is really nice!
ReplyClassic work :)
Replynicely done work sebastiany!
Replyvery cool, clean design. nice color choice. well done.
Replynice to see you win best of Brasil - beautiful logo**
ReplyLovely implied test tube.
ReplyThanks all! **And RAJA, not best of Brazil. We finish in second. But that is great too!
ReplyNice to see this in the gallery, congrats again!
ReplyI love the image and tipography. Really good job!
Replygo go go :)
Replytoday we%B4ve lounched our new web site. It is still only in portuguese (not for long I hope) but I am sure google cam translate it. **Here is the link to ECOLABOR showcase****Thak you all!
Reply%5Ecool.. think you should make the images bigger...
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