2012 ICSA Semifinals Miami

by scottwjohns • Uploaded: Oct. 03 '11 - Gallerized: Oct. '11


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Description: This logo was designed for the College National Sailing Semi-Finals which will be held in Miami in April of 2012.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 10461

Lets Discuss

tass Oct. 03 '11

Very nice! My only obs would be to have miami written with the first letter uppercase, it feels a bit strange, at least for me, to have them all upper and that one, especially the name of the location in lowercase.

scottwjohns Oct. 03 '11

Thanks tass, I do see your point. My thought was to mimic the initial wave shape, but capitalizing it would be a better solution, I agree.

simon-ho Oct. 04 '11

look nice, gives me the feeling of an olympic logo!**Thnx

tass Oct. 04 '11

Yes, interesting point with the wave, didn't think about that. Congrats for the gallery pick! :)


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