
by savva • Uploaded: May. 24 '08


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Description: logo for design studio
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Lets Discuss

mentelibre1 May. 24 '08

me gusta!%0D*%0D*de que pa%EDs es?%0D*%0D*me divierte ver en los dise%F1os como cambian de significado los s%EDmbolos en cada pa%EDs, es algo que realmente enriquece culturalmente.%0D*%0D*luce bien!%0D*un poco de equilibrio en los espacios blancos lo haria lucir mejor.%0D*%0D*saludos!%0D*%0D*%0D*no te ofendas, s%F3lo como aporte cultural, en M%E9xico el pato es sin%F3nimo de mal hecho cuando es para otros usos que no sean av%EDcolas y se interpreta de esta manera para las clases altas y medias.%0D*I like! of which country is? it amuses to see to me in the designs as they change of meaning the symbols in each country, is something that really enriches culturally. it shines well! a little balance in spaces would make the white it shine better. greetings! you do not take offense, as it only contributes cultural, in Mexico the duck is synonymous of evil done when it is for other uses that are not bird-raising and it is interpreted this way for the high class and average.%0D*

savva May. 25 '08

This is Russia. For us, duck — very clever bird. We have a phrase: %22Smart as a duck.%22 :-)*Logo is pronounced as %22crea%22. The word means %22quack-quack%22**P.S. sorry for my english

savva May. 25 '08

This is Russia. For us, duck is very clever bird. We have a phrase: %22Smart as a duck.%22 :-)*Logo is pronounced as %22crea%22. The word means %22quack-quack%22**P.S. sorry for my english

mentelibre1 May. 25 '08

que interesante!%0D*%0D*muy bien! luce original %0D*%0D*es la ala una mano?%0D*%0D*en mexico el pato y la palabra cuack significan (de mala calidad), no puedo dejar de reir por el cambio tan radical de significado de un pais a otro%0D*%0D*saludos a rusia!%0D*%0D*%0D*that interesting!%0D* very well! %0D*it shines original is the wing a hand?%0D* in Mexico the duck and the word cuack mean (of bad quality), I cannot stop laughing by the so radical change of meaning from a country to another one greetings to Russia!


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