by s7even • Uploaded: Jun. 19 '11
Logo proposal for an Austrian company specializing in ski racing. Mark is inspired by the trail of a slalom skier weaving between gates. Updated 8.6.11. And again 29.9.11.
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
Wouldn't mind some feedback on the lock-up here, I like the aesthetic and balance but am concerned it may be difficult to read.. thoughts anybody?
ReplyIt is very difficult to read. Even if I did pick out the H and the N, there's no way I would read it as %22Sport H%26N%22.
ReplyUpdated. Hopefully this improves the readability. Feedback appreciated.. danke :)
ReplyThis is so cool :)
ReplyThanks for the floats and kind words folks. Do you think that the Sport H%26N is clear enough now?
ReplyThanks Thierry and floaters :) I tried a bunch of variations with the plus and this was my preferred option as it had the best flow, but flow is not as important as readability! This has proven to be a tricky one but I will have another play tonight and see if I can find a nice balance..
ReplyThanks for the push Thierry! A couple minor tweaks and I am much happier with this :)
ReplyDo you think that the Sport H%26N is clear enough now?*
ReplyHN is not clear enough by any stretch of the imagination. Would require supporting typo in from of sports.
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