Sacred Infusion

by ryantoyota • Uploaded: Nov. 28 '07 - Gallerized: Dec. '07


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Description: Logo for a prayer ministry. The icon represents an S, an I, and a candle.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 6667

Lets Discuss

ryantoyota Nov. 28 '07

Updated the type. Comments?

alto Nov. 28 '07

now it looks like it belongs with the mark. beautiful!

andersonmarques Nov. 28 '07

For me... all is perfect, but, the F i

andersonmarques Nov. 28 '07

ops...i don't know if is the better...**But, great logo, great icon, great job!!! Congratulations...

andersonmarques Nov. 28 '07

I liked so much of this version:**I add to my favorite immediatelly!**Sorry for my english, i speak portuguese in Brazil!**Regards,*Anderson

reddskinn Nov. 28 '07

looks good. Maybe the treatment for the letter f is not necessary. is like if it were compiting in someway with the symbol.

Areadesign Nov. 28 '07

Nice work, nice idea.

andersonmarques Nov. 28 '07

i agree with @reddskinn!!! This is Exactaly i think!

nido Nov. 28 '07

i also agree.. that F is too much.. its also unnecessary... they now look like two different concepts clashing with each other.. the mark is beautiful... i think you need something that compliments it for the type... something bolder... maybe not a serif.. as i said before the mark is very 'hebrew' looking.. %26 though this type 'scripture' like.. its way too thin

ryantoyota Nov. 28 '07

I thickened the F a tad and pulled back the angle to make it feel less foreign.

ryantoyota Nov. 28 '07

By the way, thanks for all the comments. I'm torn between the customized F and regular F. My reasoning for the customized F is that I want the type to be unique and recognizable when standing on its own. (I'm thinking it won't always be right under the mark.) I hear the comments about it making the logo too busy though. It's a tough choice.

koodoz Nov. 28 '07

Definitely a tough choice. **The 'f' looks great, but it almost suggests that the 'f' means something, because it has been singled out. **Overall, I like it as it is for it's uniqueness, so I'd probably stick with it.

ryantoyota Nov. 28 '07

I picked the F to single out because I liked how it read. I felt that it made the word %22infusion%22 feel more powerful by emphasizing the second syllable. As far as symbolism, its not necessarily intended to mean anything, but I personally see it as a life-breath or spirit-wind type of line. At least that's the feeling I was going for with the style of it. I know no-one will pick up on that specific meaning, but I was hoping it would evoke that feeling.

rambal Nov. 28 '07

nice concept.. neet to tweak

ryantoyota Nov. 29 '07

Thanks Rambal... but what neets tweaking?

admarcbart Nov. 29 '07

Ryan I love the S icon but I think the F is competing too much with it. It is like the eye is fighting over which to look at first.

alto Nov. 29 '07

Ryan, either way, you have done an amazing job! While the others have a point, I still like the %22F%22 the way it is. It softens the type and compliments the tip of the flame in the logomark. While it does compete, I do not think it is too distracting nor does it take away from the mark.

bpotstra Dec. 03 '07

This is simply gorgeous!! Not sure about the 'f' ...The concept is in the right direction, but I don't think its there yet.

d3signar Dec. 03 '07

I like it! And I think that the f ties in just nicely...

puffmoike Dec. 04 '07

A vote for the previous version.**The stylised f competes with the mark for visual dominance, to the extent that most people's eye will be drawn to it before they really take in the mark.**I suspect the average punter will then (rightly) assume that the f doesn't mean anything. And at that point they'll be appreciably less likely to notice the extremely clever combination of forms you have created with the mark.*

vld Dec. 04 '07

Great idea with S. Really nice concept.%0D*%22F%22 is too much, no doubt.

OcularInk Dec. 04 '07

I say lose the 'f' and you've got yourself one killer logo. Nice work, Ryan!

ryantoyota Dec. 04 '07

Thanks all. It's helpful to read your pro and con 'f' comments. Still not completely sure what I'm going to do about that. It'll make a solid decision once I get more direction for what type of promotional materials we're going to be printing.

firebrand Dec. 04 '07

Glad to see this has made the front page, Ryan. One more vote against the 'f' it helps tip the balance.

euphospug Dec. 04 '07

hi there - nice mark. maybe if you wanted to make the text stand alone, you could try a suble flame above the %22i%22 in infusion - tying it into the logo and making it stand laone type.

brat_n Dec. 06 '07

I like combination of %22i%22 and %22s%22, well done mate : )

Matheus Dec. 06 '07

nice combination of letters

theuprock Dec. 18 '07

Disregard! The f is great, but could use some minor tweaks to the weight of it in comparison to the rest of the type. It's not 100%25 done IMO, but it still looks quite nice. My only critique is the top left corner of the S. I'm not big on that, as it looks like a really hard edge compared to the rest of that area in the mark.

logoboom May. 11 '10

oooooo this is nice


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