Darlene Dewell

by rudyhurtado • Uploaded: May. 23 '09


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Description: Darlene is a Print Production expert and needed an Image for her practice as a consultant, she loves cats, so, she agreed to use one as an image, hopefully it reads DD somewhere, we had to create an expensive stationary for her with die cuts, embossing, 3/3 PMS colours and varnishes were it shows what she knows best...Print. Printed pieces... coming soon to a Logopond near you.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1967

Lets Discuss

rudy hurtado May. 24 '09

Thanks for the comment Dalius, In reality this logo won't appear like this, I didn't noticed that, you are right optically seems off, I'll adjust it optically, I wish I can show you at least the business card so you see how It is going to be applied, nevertheless, I appreciate your observations, very valid.

rudy hurtado May. 28 '09

Thank you for your support Nima and Sean.

rudy hurtado May. 28 '09

Alex, Lalo, thanks guys.


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