tommi lounge - bar - restaurant

by roogers • Uploaded: Oct. 26 '07


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Lets Discuss

zuhumina Oct. 27 '07

i like very ornate

lefrancois Oct. 27 '07

i think it is nice work, but for doing a good press work it is hard to use because as a small picture it will not be easy to read

roogers Oct. 27 '07

yeah, this was initially designed for external signage %26 subtle wall graphics.. but they liked so much we used on all fliers/menus/stationary etc.. it printed up pretty well actually

sdijock Oct. 27 '07

I think the flourishes coming off of the %22I%22 are making it look like a %22D%22 - it's a bit confusing. And your smaller type is pretty much illegible. I like the overall technique though.

frontend Oct. 30 '07

Love the ornaments and overall look, but can't really read the smaller type. The I on Tommi is a bit hard to make out too.


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