Cindy Kau Photography 03

by robertscully • Uploaded: Aug. 09 '07


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Description: Working on a logo for a Photographer let me know what you think
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2337

Lets Discuss

jrt1223 Aug. 09 '07

I'm thinking this one is the strongest it's got a lot going for it visually and symbolically. The type is nicely tucked together, the colors are classy and hip. And the mark looks at first like a flower but is made out of the initials which is nice and memorable. If I were Cindy I'd pick this one. Just thinking how would it look if the weight of the mark was as thin as the type or a bit thicker. There almost too close without being the same. I sort of either wanna see the same thickness or a contrast. **Cheers


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