Pension Fund

by riham • Uploaded: May. 15 '09


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Description: Logo for retirement and pension fund.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2804

Lets Discuss

houseofnobles Oct. 19 '09

I would like to invite you to take part in our company's logo design competition at*%0D*%22Arabian Child's Association%22 %0D*%0D* %0D*%0D*the competition is open until october 27 2009 and the prize is %24500 %0D*%0D*I look forward to seeing your work. %0D*%0D*Samia%0D*

firebrand Oct. 19 '09

@houseofnobles: This is not the place to solicit designers to enter logo contests. Nor do I think Logopond members would appreciate you posting their work on Logosauce for inspiration.


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