Foreclosure Recovery Group

by ricklandondesign • Uploaded: Oct. 22 '08


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Description: Logo concept for a company that helps people who are in foreclosure and losing their homes.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2643
Tags: rick landon design rick landon landon rick

Lets Discuss

bpotstra Oct. 22 '08

Really great feeling I get from looking at this logo, which is precisely what you'd want from potential clients of this service. Nice effect created by the subtle gradient and well-executed typography as well. I'd prefer to see the %22RECOVERY GROUP%22 a tiny bit larger (like 15%25 larger) and in a darker shade of green or grey. Still, quite nice!

ricklandondesign Oct. 22 '08

Yeah, I think you're right about needing to enlarge and darken the %22recovery group%22 part. Thanks for the feedback bpotstra, I'm glad you like it.

ricklandondesign Oct. 27 '09

Finally updated the %22RECOVERY GROUP%22 part. Better late than never.


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