Carolina Internal Medicine

by redburn • Uploaded: May. 07 '07


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Description: I am working on an identity for a local doctor's office. Please, any feedback would be great!
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2923

Lets Discuss

KGB May. 07 '07

I like the little blue marks, but I'm not sure what they represent. I think there is a lot going on there. That C is too large. The thickness is disproportionate to the other letters in Carolina. It's also easy to read it, %22Internal Medicine Carolina of Asheboro, PLLC%22 I would rearrange to make internal medicine visually more important and make the of Asheboro almost invisible.

kosta May. 07 '07

If the blue marks represent a cross in negative space, I think it isn't clear enough.**All that Brian siad, too.


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