
by red_fox6000 • Uploaded: Apr. 24 '10


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Description: I made this logo for my own clothing store. I need suggestions. Thanks!
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 5970

Lets Discuss

sbj Apr. 25 '10

mark face is good... its little unbalanced as the hippo s face is making it heavier on the left. %26 also type needs lot imp. :)

sbj Apr. 25 '10

hav u tried only the hippos face in ur logo.. i think try for once.. let see outcum..

red_fox6000 Apr. 26 '10

Dear SBJ,**Thank you for supporting my logo. My initial design was that of the hippo's head only and without the body. It has come to my attention that without the body, the name %22HippoCrite%22 won't suffice the figure. Allow me to expound, the body suggested that the hippo is in a two faced state which compliments the name to its original meaning, 'hypocrite'. The face itself without the body should look like just a normal hippo trying to impress little children and young-adult girls.**For the text, I couldn't agree more that it looks too plain and unfashionable. A more extensive research is on the way with regards to this matter.**As for the body as you stated in your first comment dated Apr. 25 '10, I honestly couldn't see the unbalanced weight of the figure. My apologies towards this confusion, I certainly am not turning a blind eye from your suggestion. This is probably because I lack experience in designing logos as this is just a result from my playings with fire in the dark.**I do notice that the colors are a little bit dead, can you agree? I'm not sure which colors suit this fancy little thing. But a little more research and trials should shine the light.**Place no worries, an improved 'HippoCrite' logo is on the way. Please do not hesitate to post more comments, any thoughts will be deeply appreciated regardless of its nature.**I was also able to fancy to your site and I should say that your works are marvelous. My compliments and kudos.**Best regards,*Red**

nido Apr. 26 '10

this is like that time i was in the twilight zone...

sbj Apr. 29 '10

Sorry charles for the late reply as i was not too active on pond.... Thanks for the kind words... i need them really :)*now cum to hippocrite, %5E agree wid u on ur views becoz it seems u know wat u are doing %26 very clear about ur thought.. *%22unbalanced%22 means this when u see ur mark below the head u need sumthing missing there... a blank space that is bugging me till now.. *so keep good work going... i would like to see new update soon...*as im also very late in reply to u :)

sbj Apr. 29 '10

forget the color for once keep making it in BW.. *%26 still the gray hues look better 2 me only the bg making it dull. *Also u mention aboout my site, which one.. really im not owning any good site, only one blog is there..

sbj Apr. 29 '10

sorry 4 bad English there%5E%5E


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