
by rabbit_hoang • Uploaded: Aug. 27 '09 - Gallerized: Aug. '09


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Description: pyxpox is the name created by combining two word pixel (pix -> pyx) and box (pox). So, i created the logo based on this idea: using the box structure to make letters pyxpox
Status: Client work
Viewed: 10242

Lets Discuss

JF Aug. 27 '09

This is a neat idea, great execution. Good balance between mark and type, in my opinion. Great work!

Yglo Aug. 28 '09

Colors are great :)

Rokac Aug. 28 '09

Great concept and beautiful colors!

tiko1232 Aug. 28 '09

Beautiful Logo and Color Scheme, Kudos :)

eziemac Aug. 28 '09

Looks nice. How did it look with both of the words on the one line?

rabbit_hoang Aug. 28 '09

@eziemac: i tried your idea already but 2 words on the one line is quite long

Zito Aug. 28 '09

Love the colours and box shape of the whole logo. *The chosen typeface is perfect. *It looks almost as though the P is hanging outside the mark but i'm sure it is indeed lined up. Maybe you could try and cheat it over a little to restore perfect optical balance?

rabbit_hoang Aug. 28 '09

@Zito: i align left 'n right 'n let P free at the bottom. You mean that could i put pyxpox in the rectangle ?

Zito Aug. 29 '09

What I mean is that there is a small optical illusion going on here. The white type at the bottom appears as though it is lying outside the alignment of the mark. This is happening because of the angles of the two coloured pixel P's. **If you want the whole mark to appear a little more balanced, you could try and track in your white type a tad while keeping it lined up on the right. *Just a thought.

rabbit_hoang Aug. 30 '09

@Zito: got your opinion, i will try that. really thanks for your idea

saawan Sep. 02 '09

Love the colors! :)


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