Filmata (WIP)

by plagiato • Uploaded: Sep. 22 '08


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Description: Filmata is a short film distribution firm. They also organize film screenings and short film festival I`m still working on this so any comments and critiques are wellcome
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1658

Lets Discuss

fogra Sep. 22 '08

Nice work. It's very powerful overall. It actually reminds me of Chrissie Hynde from the Pretenders.

plagiato Sep. 22 '08

10x I%60m happy you like it....**I just checked :):) You are right about Chrissie Hynde **

gyui Sep. 23 '08

i agree, it does look like Chrissie Hynde. Like it a lot. maybe adjust the kerning between the A and T.

plagiato Sep. 23 '08

Yes I saw it too the first A is not in a place 10x*

Type08 Sep. 23 '08

I would put the name FILMATA on the right somewhere in the line with her mouth, like she's saying it... Nice illustration...

plagiato Sep. 23 '08

mm nice ideia I%60ll try it


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