
by piermadonia • Uploaded: Apr. 05 '08


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Description: Logo for Firebrand, a new ad agency in London
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4760

Lets Discuss

yurko Apr. 05 '08

this is really great...

firebrand Apr. 06 '08

Interesting special effects. Is this part of the Firebrand design company already established in the UK?

Oronoz ® Apr. 06 '08

well, I hope that agency deserves to take the name firebrand, because Roy its a master in logos, he is the only firebrand for me!!! n_n

nido Apr. 06 '08

i think we should fight fire(brand) with fire(brand)... there can be only one!

Respiro Apr. 06 '08

Which software you used for this logo?

piermadonia Apr. 06 '08

@firebrand: Nope, they've got nothing to do with It's a completely new agency, don't think they've got a site up yet.***@Respiro: photoshop/illustrator*

Respiro Apr. 06 '08

Is it a vector logo?...

piermadonia Apr. 06 '08

@Respiro: No, the wordmark is a vector but the symbol is a bitmap

fogra Apr. 06 '08

I was really hoping that the mark was vector :(

firebrand Apr. 06 '08

@piermadonia: I am amazed that they can trade using this name, surely there is a conflict.

piermadonia Apr. 06 '08

@firebrand: I can only presume they had it checked and approved before they briefed it out. I wasn't involved in the naming

logomotive Apr. 06 '08

Sorry this is just %22effects%22 IMO does not make the cut as far as LOGO goes. ANY logo should work in vector otherwise it's called something else.

chanpion Apr. 06 '08

Hmm...interesting point Mike. Although this draws the eye, I personally would not use a 'fire' element in the mark at all. Its just too cliched.

gthobbs Apr. 06 '08

Vector. Raster. Whatever. I just don't think it's executed well. The flames just don't feel natural in their movement. Too forced to get the F.

dache Apr. 07 '08

How come it's out of the gallery then?

daleharris Apr. 07 '08

Meh, are we back at the vector/raster thing again? A logo is a mark used to identify something. The way in which the mark is created is irrelevant to its status as a Logo. Hell the first 'logos' were drawn on cave walls with charcoal.. not a vector in sight %3B)

fogra Apr. 07 '08

Vector logos are more versatile IMO: 1. They can be blown-up to any size. 2. Colours can be altered more easily. 3. Small file size compared to raster. Etc,...*I have no problem with raster logos - only if it's really required or if there's no other option.

OcularInk Apr. 07 '08

At first when I saw this, I thought Roy ( the real firebrand :-P ) was having another go at his personal logo. My immediate reaction was not good. This concept seems weak, and I agree with gthobbs, the fire shape seems forced. Don't get me wrong, this is fun to look at, but there's nothing 'WOWing' about it. In regards to the vector/raster thing, daleharris makes some great points. However, there are certainly far more benefits with a vector logo.

fogra Apr. 07 '08

@Climax: No, like I said I have no problem with raster logos - they're just not as practical when required to be applied to different media. Sorry for stating the obvious earlier also. There are no rules to creating logos but vector would be more acceptable. This is just my opinion.**

fogra Apr. 07 '08

I know you weren't. Maybe you could create a way of posting with a tone of voice included :D

logomotive Apr. 07 '08

@ Dale, yeah,.. well cavemen did not have cell phones either, (joke) except for the Gecko guys.

firebrand Apr. 07 '08

@smartinup: I tried to register this name myself but it's already trademarked in the design business... in the UK at least. Maybe not for advertising.

nido Apr. 07 '08

@firebrand... maybe you should change your name... i can help if you like?... have you thought of rubberbrand?

firebrand Apr. 07 '08

Haha... No, I'm not very flexible.

dado Apr. 07 '08

jejeje, for me, firebrand will be Roy's synonymous! :)


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