by peterehat • Uploaded: Sep. 17 '08
Logo for 8 Pillars University
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Have u considered roman numbers???
ReplyThis is nice, but not quite there in my opinion. It would be so much better if the %228%22 on top of the pillar was dimensional and followed the same perspective as the pillar. Having the %228%22 just sit there flat is a big let-down. It'd also be nice if you actually included some scroll detail in the top of the pillar instead of leaving that surface blank. Fix those issues and you'll have a killer logo.
Replysdijock: great suggestion about making the 8 in 3d. I'll try that.**I left the scroll detail off the top of the pillar because I wanted the pillar to read as both a pillar and the letter P. It's probably too subtle.**chng!: I did want to use roman numerals instead of the 8, but the client insisted using the know how that goes. I agree with you on that.
Replysdijock: great suggestion about making the 8 in 3d. I'll try that. I left the scroll detail off the top of the pillar because I wanted the pillar to read as both a pillar and the letter P. It's probably too subtle.**chng!: I did want to use roman numerals instead of the 8, but the client insisted using the know how that goes. I agree with you on that.
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