Pause Design Old

by pausedsn • Uploaded: May. 10 '09


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Description: My identity logo.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4295

Lets Discuss

m1sternoname Aug. 31 '09

guess I missed this one.. really cool!

nido Feb. 11 '11

I think there is no need for the pencil here at all.. the whole concept with %22pause%22 alone is very strong.. like %22pause for thought%22.. play on that.. and get rid of the nib %3B)

pjmaster Feb. 12 '11

I appreciate your comment Nido.**I thinking for some time about a small change of my personal logo. I'm not sure about the nib yet, but I'll change the font and remove DESIGN tag soon.

raja Feb. 12 '11

pjmaster -- while it's a great idea you have there -- One of the simpler duties in the more arduous research phase of logo design, is to do the ubiquitous google image search for 'pause logo'

pjmaster Feb. 13 '11

I assume what you want to say. At that time, two years ago, I searched the web and such names and in particular images did not appear in the first few pages of Google search. Especially there was no such concept and ideas.

raja Feb. 13 '11

OK - I assumed what you were posting was new - sorry.


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