by pausedsn • Uploaded: Feb. 03 '12
Week 5. These days there is a lot of media hype about SOPA, PIPA and ACTA. Certain people and groups want to censor the internet, to ban everything in what they suspect. How ridiculous that idea is? They want to do something that generations before them have created. They want to to shut down many "voices" to be heard only their. That is why I support such groups (as Anonymous group), who want to oppose those crazy ideas.
Freedom for all! STOP censorship!
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Looking Great pjmaster and totally*agree with you about the absurd e-laws.**I like a lot the illustration!*
ReplyI appreciate your comment Oscar.
ReplyLooks too like the V for vendetta character
ReplyIt is my version of Vendetta character. If you look closely you will see heart shape which is integral part of the concept.
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