by orchidjakarta • Uploaded: Aug. 17 '17
This logo represents a florist that brings the beauty of orchid flower. The color combines of purple that comes from orchid and green in its O shape that comes from the leaves. Elegance, mind-sticking, and florist-look are the criteria that have to be met in designing this florist logo. Thats what the logo should communicate to set it apart from other florists.
Orchid Florist has been in business since more than a decade, with stores based in Jakarta and Surabaya. It delivers florist in wide-array of selections, ranging from board flowers, standing flowers, wedding bouquet, and more. It has now been expanding to internet market by utilizing its own online store.
As seen on:
Orchid Florist
Client work
florist jakarta
toko bunga
karangan bunga
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