Harry Blades & Angry Daves

by orcadesign • Uploaded: Sep. 28 '11 - Gallerized: Nov. '12


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Description: Logo concept for a local barber/cloths shop in Bristol, UK. The client specifically requested a coat of arms type design with the inclusion of a stag, a swallow, a barber’s pole, a cut throat razor and a pair of shoes. This is what we came up with. Check out the development here: http://www.behance.net/gallery/Harry-Blades-Angry-Daves-Branding/2684517
As seen on: Behance
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 8195

Lets Discuss

Mason Roberts Sep. 28 '11

Different... I like it! :)

Type and Signs Sep. 28 '11

can't believe that ... what a strange brief ... anyway ... like it ... no problems with the clip art style ...

aviat- Oct. 01 '11

Considering the client's brief, I'd say you guys nailed it, love the illustrations. Personally I don't know how I would have approached this demand %3DO. Clients sometimes come up with the looniest requests xD...

balic Oct. 01 '11

Definitely crazy brief and a great logo considering.*I think it would look nicer if you used some colour on illustrations to make it stand out from background.

orca design Jan. 21 '12

Thanks guys, it really was an interesting brief. Actually the client did not pick this concept and we went on to create a completely different styled illustration. Baring in mind the client only had the intention of printing this large, while using the lettering in small print situations. Check out the whole design development here: http://www.behance.net/gallery/Harry-Blades-Angry-Daves-Branding/2684517

garychew1984 Nov. 06 '12

The final crest is just stunning!!! wow wow wow!!!!

russpate Nov. 06 '12

i like the brand that you provided in the link, and the final crest was great


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