by onesummer • Uploaded: Jul. 26 '09
are you recycling your bottles?
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
Nice idea, Paul. Do you need the gradient in the center of the mark?
ReplySimple and clever. %5E I imagine the gradient is a reference to the end product.
ReplyCool. I agree that gradient is too much.
Reply@all, thanks. I concur about the gradient. not sure if it's the best for the client though, as their logo should focus more on their end product rather than the recycle element. but hopefully i'll find another use for this one.
Replytoday I found out this will be featured in LogoLounge Vol. 6!
Reply%5Ewell done, congrats, and congrats to all the logo designers who will be getting their work published in logolounge, I'll be keeping a look out for them!
Replydon't need a gradient. It's great work!
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