by nosruslan • Uploaded: Jun. 20 '11 - Gallerized: Jun. '11
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Description: advertising agency Status: Client work Viewed: 7010 Share:
Very nice enclosure. **Maybe the type could use a little more clearspace.
thanks, maybe you're right
hehe, congrats with gallery, Rus' )
Great work! I did almost read OAGARTYO, but less so in the larger size.
spasibo, Tema)*lumavine, thanx)
Ux ti. Ax ti. Govoril je 4to logo cool. Pozdravlyau.
Thanx, Aleksandr!)
bello grande ... like it !!
I love this style, Ruslan.
thanx, friends!
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Very nice enclosure. **Maybe the type could use a little more clearspace.
Replythanks, maybe you're right
Replyhehe, congrats with gallery, Rus' )
ReplyGreat work! I did almost read OAGARTYO, but less so in the larger size.
Replyspasibo, Tema)*lumavine, thanx)
ReplyUx ti. Ax ti. Govoril je 4to logo cool. Pozdravlyau.
ReplyThanx, Aleksandr!)
Replybello grande ... like it !!
ReplyI love this style, Ruslan.
Replythanx, friends!
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