by nido • Uploaded: Jan. 07 '09 - Gallerized: Jan. '09
investigation firm.
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kinda cool. should add 'investigation firm' or something below to make it clear. mark alone made me think of water.
ReplyClever concept. **It is however lacking characteristic distortion along the perimeter of the lens, so it's not easy to get that it's a magnifying glass without peeking at the name.*
Replywow that is awesome - one of my favorites on logopond
ReplyAwesome Nido!
ReplyThe really clever part of this is where the handle joins the rim.
ReplyExcellent now that the label is there.
Replythank you everyone.. **@epsilon, good earlier point %26 ive been working on that... **@Roy... well spotted sir.. thought i might have to explain that, had no one seen it... %3B)**I am however still waiting for someone to post a link saying 'its been done before'..
ReplyLOVE it!
Replythank you jesus %3B) often do you say that?
Replylol!... (fatwas galore now)
ReplyI knew I had seen this before:**I must say, theirs is much better executed than yours...
Reply%5E wtf?!
Replyha ha...@lundeja....good job nido
Replylol... thanks you guys...
ReplyStellar concept.
Replywhat'd they say
Replythey not seen it yet.. its here cause i want to be sure its not been done before.. im getting the feeling now (hopefully) that this may be 'unique' enough as by now someone would've said something... apart from lundeja's find of course %3B)
Replyno i was serious... but more of a 'if something very similar comes to mind' kinda thing... i didnt really want to prompt anyone to try %26 remember what %26 where nor ask anyone to make an effort to look for something similar... just simply if it was obviously similar to another concept (that was well known) i guess someone wouldve said it by now.. no?..
Replythis one is so great!!!
ReplyThis one is really good, nice work!!!
ReplyIt's funny because in greek 9DΑΙ means A5ΕS!*I like it!
ReplyIt's funny because in greek NAI means YES !*I like it!
Reply*I like it!
ReplyIt's funny because in greek NAI means YES. I like it!
Replythanks tilboy for making the comments look like there are more then there actually are %3B)**... the other funny thing is that in punjabi NAI means 'no'.. can you imagine the horrors that would occur if a greek %26 an indian got in a conversation...
ReplyWow, how amazing, coz NAI in Northern Ireland means 'now' :D
Replycool.. reminds me of a joke... so a greek, punjabi %26 irish man are brought in front of a firing line....
ReplyLuckily, there's no french man in this story... VTFCLQ mon ami! Maintenant, je ne viens sur Logopond que pour admirer tes cr%E9ations. Je propose de changer le nom du site en Nidopond!
ReplyHow much is nido paying you Thomas? %3B)
Replyit wasnt much... until the euro really took off!.. :(
Replylove the concept.
Replymuito bacana!!
Replyobrigado andrio!... %26 thanks to you too morvarid!...
ReplyI like this great design
Replythanks smallbig... this is one of my personal faves...
Replybranding and additional images can be seen on my new website...***
Replyvery well done - especially the presentation on your www**PS: your new site is looking great!
ReplyThanks raja...
Reply...oh and as for the new site.. you are wa(l)com...
Replywacom up and give him a tablet
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