by nido • Uploaded: Sep. 21 '07


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Description: this was done for a guide in a local paper to finding the best job sites online.. there are several other concepts to come
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 5119

Lets Discuss

Hamburg Sep. 23 '07

Not too sure if I like this... Reminds me a bit of a toilette which is probably not what you're aiming at...

alto Dec. 13 '07

After getting to see some of your posts and comments, i've learned you are quite the jokester, and this mark suits you perfectly. This is awesome! I added it to my favs.

THEArtistT Sep. 10 '08

I really like it as well. Yeah, I thought bathroom signs, but that doesn't detract in my opinion.

nido Sep. 10 '08

thanks people.. actually it is very much meant to reference the 'toilet sign'.. the idea was based on that they stand around doing nothing all day..


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