by nido • Uploaded: May. 03 '11
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Description: wip... Status: Work in progress Viewed: 2228 Share:
Nice illustration style, the slab-serifs fits perfectly imo.
Thanks cresk... glad you thought the font went well with it too...
nice. Quite unusual and refreshing
Yes, the solid slabs seem to match the less strict illustration style perfectly.
thanks fellas, was an early design into this...
Cool, Nido!
not your usual style, nice thought!
%5Ehah... I'm still searching for my %22usual%22 style %3B)... thanks again folks...
Yup, nice indeed.
Cheers Rokac...
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Nice illustration style, the slab-serifs fits perfectly imo.
ReplyThanks cresk... glad you thought the font went well with it too...
Replynice. Quite unusual and refreshing
ReplyYes, the solid slabs seem to match the less strict illustration style perfectly.
Replythanks fellas, was an early design into this...
ReplyCool, Nido!
Replynot your usual style, nice thought!
Reply%5Ehah... I'm still searching for my %22usual%22 style %3B)... thanks again folks...
ReplyYup, nice indeed.
ReplyCheers Rokac...
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