
by muse7 • Uploaded: Dec. 27 '09


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Description: Custom type, enclosed in a mask and topped with a red AIDS ribbon
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3423

Lets Discuss

logoboom Dec. 28 '09

This has great potential but it's sitting on the fence now. I'd either go for more refined thicks and thins for a more polished look OR push the hand drawn element for a looser feel. Right now it's in between. Play with it!

muse7 Dec. 28 '09

Thanks logoboom, logomotive, absoludicrous, Houston-we, and Ocularink.*I posted a revised but I'll revisit it with fresh eyes tomorrow.

muse7 Jan. 04 '10

I was getting feedback from people at work that the M wasn't reading as an M but as a S and an L. So I simplified the M. previously Is there any question now.

logoboom Jan. 09 '10

Looking good. Anyway that %22on the mall%22 can incorporate into the empty space above the nose? I think the fuller the mask is the better because it feels like ornate filegree etc.

muse7 Feb. 04 '10

Thanks for the feedback logoboom and David. The addition of color adds depth and fills out the mask.

logoboom Feb. 26 '10

I like David's comment. It might look good centered. I do like the new pattern in the background. Nice!

Chad Sanderson Mar. 10 '10

I agree with David and Glen. On the mall, positioned as it is now throws this off, just enough to make it less than perfect. Love the direction you went with this though. :)

muse7 Mar. 11 '10

Dave, Glen and Chad - Your wish is my command.

firebrand Mar. 11 '10

Looking good. My favorite logo of yours.

muse7 Mar. 12 '10

Thank you so much Firebrand, I appreciate the encouragement and float.*Thanks for the floats Dalius, Glen, Jared Lunde, Michael Spitz, David, Jacob and Chad *


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