WWH - W, double helix, rainbow

by muse7 • Uploaded: Dec. 14 '10


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Description: WIP - rainbow, double helix, health, Two W Thanks
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 5268

Lets Discuss

JF Dec. 14 '10

Would like the tag line better if it weren't in all caps. Otherwise, like the new color choice for this version.

muse7 Dec. 15 '10

Thanks JF - appreciate your feedback. You share the same brain waves as my client! Final round and 5 contenders. I am so excited! I finally get to update and modernize http://www.wwc.org/ *

AlexWende Dec. 17 '10

I agree with the Tagline. It could also alligned a tad more to the left and you could try a more neutral font for it. At the moment the tagline feels to similar to the company name, a neutral font would give it a bit of an interesting contrast.

muse7 Dec. 17 '10

Thanks AlexWende, Type08 and JF. My client didn't like the all caps treatment either so I replaced both the nameplate and the tag. @AlexWende is this a more neutral font choice?*cheers

JF Dec. 17 '10

Is that Adobe Caslon Pro italic there for the tagline? Like it. Also: have you considered making said tagline a charcoal or somewhat lighter shade of grey to help the organization name stand out? And, the org name could remain the color it is now.

muse7 Dec. 17 '10

JF - Actually the tagline font is Adobe Arno Pro italic. Although Adobe Caslon is close. Caslon tilts a bit more and the letters have a more pronounced serif then Arno.*Font color - I'll give that a whirl.

muse7 Dec. 21 '10

Client wants good old black for logo type and tagline on all the options.

JF Dec. 21 '10

Can you perhaps un-bold the 'Community. Caring. Quality.' tag line? That would help...

JF Dec. 27 '10

How goes it with the client?

muse7 Dec. 29 '10

JF - thanks for asking. The board response - neutral. No logos got cut but none really blew them away. *More branding meetings %3D more logos. Two comments surfaced... 1) this logo was too clinical. What I glean - desire to project a friendly, less corporate image.*2) http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/123418 - they didn't see the helix nor the medical association, sad because I really saw its potential. Fair warning LP :) more WWH logos for you to critique in the new year.

JF Jan. 11 '11

Muse, are they looking for a more 'organic' feel? I always equate 'friendly' with a more organic, less measured approach. Probably less 'clinical' in feel.

JF Jan. 11 '11

Here's a good question for them -- meant to say this. Ask them where they shop. What their personal style is will perhaps lead you closer to what they want%3B get them to think like consumers and see their cards, in a manner of speaking. It's always a poker game when helping a confused client communicate and even figure out their own style!


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