by mucho • Uploaded: May. 02 '08 - Gallerized: Aug. '08
Logo for a tour operator, owning several hotels and resort villages in the Bulgaria’s ski resort Borovets.
Client work
Lets Discuss
love the type.
Replythere's definitely something Russian in this logo...don't know why. Great work, mucho :)
Reply10x guys**@neogrey: well let me say something Bulgarian (which is close to the Russian, but not the same :) )
ReplyI see Celtic/Irish rather than Bulgarian... having said that, I know diddly about Bulgaria.
Replywell i guess all of you are right in your opinions ... however i believe this is not so important %3B)
ReplyThis is really great
ReplyPerfect!**1.perfect font*2.perfect design*3.perfect color*4.I'd give it a 10 on a 1-4 scale
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