Rock'n'roll music shop logo

by morecolor • Uploaded: Jan. 23 '12 - Gallerized: Jan. '12


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Description: Rock'n'roll Music Shop logo v.2
As seen on: projekt logo
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 16717

Lets Discuss

sdijock Jan. 24 '12

Really clever use of the ampersand. Love it!

lumavine Jan. 24 '12

I like this idea with the pick enclosure. The guitar ampersand and the text is nice too. I wonder if the title at the bottom could be improved? Perhaps try it in an arch over the top? Or maybe a more classic typeface?

morecolor Jan. 24 '12

I'll think about it yet, thanks for the interesting comments :)

chanpion Jan. 24 '12

I was writing some improvements you could do then I spotted what Luma wrote. Exactly as he suggested. Otherwise, luv the 'amp'ersand and the pick shape.

neilss1 Jan. 26 '12

I hope they go for this it's great work!!!

atomicvibe Jan. 27 '12

Agreed with others about the title, but otherwise, I'm really loving this logo.

morecolor Apr. 19 '12

Of course LadyGray ;) Thanks for all comments!


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