by monolit25 • Uploaded: Oct. 10 '09


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Description: monolit 25 collection
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 985

Lets Discuss

eziemac Oct. 10 '09

surely not. How much are you planning on selling it for, if you don't mind me asking?

monolit 25 Oct. 10 '09

yes...I am a new freelancer ready to join a company in web design or to sale logos.For more details my id yahoo messenger is pintalaul.

firebrand Oct. 10 '09

Well good luck in selling it - you'll need it.

eziemac Oct. 10 '09

In response to your email i am not wishing to purchase this logo, i was just wondering how much you plan on selling it for out of curiosity basically.** Did you not see that i was a logo designer when you were going through my website to email me?! haha!!

monolit 25 Oct. 10 '09

eziemac, please what is your opinion about it?please,very short to not waste your time!regards!

eziemac Oct. 10 '09

about the logo? My honest opinion is that it is wrong to try and sell this as i don't think it works as a logo. Also the name in the logo is the same as your profile name so im a little confused as to who you can sell this to, you know?

monolit 25 Oct. 10 '09

thanks eziemac:I really appreciate your opinion and your time wasted with me.I recognize that in this form is impossible to sell,you are totally right with it%3Bbut it could be modified with the name of a company...whatever.Again ,I very appreciate your comment...could you have right about it is not a logo...maybe...I do not really understand something(now I believe that I am verrrrrrrrrrrry stupid):I put it an hour ago and I have a lot of comments...is this so bad,the others are in the same collection....why are not commented?you voted it?

firebrand Oct. 10 '09

@monolit: Take a look at the logos in the gallery and compare them with yours. Do you see any room for improvement? If you don't, then quite frankly you're deluded.

eziemac Oct. 10 '09

i think the main reason people are commenting on your logo is because of the little dollar sign under the logo. This means that you are selling it, which im sure you know as you selected it but it makes a big difference compared to not selling it. **A poor logo for a company can potentially have pretty bad effects as the company would probably have to re-brand at one stage which can have a serious financial and marketing impact. Plus no one really wants to see business' having poor logos, especially logo designers!**I think you need a lot more practice before you think about selling your work. Keep working at though.

eziemac Oct. 10 '09

%5E look at me, pretending to be clever :P

monolit 25 Oct. 10 '09

thanks again,maybe I will modify the status(I do not know if I can).somebody voted it...that means he like it?I really appreciate your pieces of advice.I must go,hope meet you again...I believe that I should delete my account...it is a good thing?kind regards!

javaap Oct. 10 '09

Dang guys take it easy on the dude, give it its not a good logo, no need to be rude to the chap. Monolit you should start by taking some classes for graphic design or something related to it, take it from there and practice, practice, practice, you dont have to delete your account, just try and better your skills things will fall in to place if you love what you do, take care.*

eziemac Oct. 10 '09

Don't delete your account. Just keep working at it, you will get better. We all have to start somewhere

andreiu Oct. 10 '09

yea. i read all the above! you really really really need to practice more! this won't work at all the way it is. (mult spor! :p)

monolit 25 Oct. 10 '09

for andreiu:nu inteleg de ce atat tam tam pt logoul asta sau ce vreti sa il considerati,poate me lamuresti tu...sunt teribil de constient de %22valoarea%22 acestui logo...da si celelalte sunt nereusite!Initial ma jucam cu photoshopu si de 2-3 luni fac si logouri.Pana la experienta voastra mult mai e da...nu inteleg ori asa se face intrarea pe aici? Oricum multumesc ca mia i luat apararea!

andreiu Oct. 11 '09

uite care e ideea daniel: lumea nu ar fi avut nici o treaba cu logoul/logourile tale daca nu puneai %22for sale%22 ca si status. gandeste-te ca o mare parte din cei ce activeaza aici se ocupa doar de logodesign, si au vazut cam tot ce misca in industria asta si cam cu ce se mananca, asa ca nu le place sa vada ca ai pretentia sa iei bani pe un logo slab (fara suparare). ei ar comenta si te-ar sfatui atata timp cat esti constient de valoarea logourilor tale si nu ai pretentii nejustificate (sa iei bani, mai ales ca zici ca esti constient de valoarea lor). sper ca am m-am facut inteles. exerseaza, si daca te tii de treaba o sa ai si merite! %3B)

monolit 25 Oct. 11 '09

multumesc mult pentru sfaturi:eu vin de pe rent-a-coder unde totul e de vanzare,nu banuiam(totusi nu e o scuza) ca poate sa supere asa mult faptul ca e de vanzare (voiam doar sa accentuez faptul ca sunt dispus sa lucrez). M-am inscris pe logopond tocmai pentru a fi criticat,a invata ceva ca poate intr-un an ,doi sa scot si eu capul in lume(poate sunt prea optimist)%3Btotusi nu asa virulent...tu te ai inscris aici dupa ce ai capatat o experienta suficienta sau te ai aruncat ca inecatul cum am facut eu ,sa invat mai repede si sa ajung macar la limita de jos a lumii bune?oricum apreciez mult toate sfaturile tale(cat si a celorlati, nu mai pun nimic de vanzare!!!!).O singura intrebare:pot sa imi dau note la logourile mele?am 3 note(sau asa banuiesc) la %22logoul%22 asta,a fost cineva care la votat?

andreiu Oct. 11 '09

la mine asa s-a intamplat ca m-am inscris dupa ce aveam deja oarece experienta. pe logopond nu se dau note, ci un logo poate doar primi voturi. ideea e sa strangi cat mai multe voturi pentru fiecare logo. ca sa vezi cine l-a votat trebuie sa fii logat sa intrii pe logoul respectiv si sa apesi pe tabul %22swimmers%22. acolo iti arata toti userii care l-au votat. in cazul tau tu ai fost singurul care a votat a votat acest logo (de 3 ori. asta nu imi explic cum ai reusit. in mod normal un user poate vota pt un logo o singura data). pt a vota un logo (si iti recomand sa o faci daca iti place un logo ce il vezi) intri pe el si dai click pe colacul ala mic. daca ai mai votat inainte logoul repectiv iti va aparea in loc de colac numarul total de voturi. sper ca ti-am mai clarificat niste chestiuni! mult spor. si navigheaza mult prin galerie. te ajuta enorm! :)

monolit 25 Oct. 11 '09

mi se pare ciudat ca ma pot vota...imi pare a fi un bug dar cine stie.multumesc pentru sfaturi...multa bafta in continuare!

firebrand Oct. 11 '09

Va cer scuze daca am jignit ai si ar fi o rusine daca te elimina ti cont. Eu va don' t au o problema cu vanzare ai sigle la toate. Punctul I va inserc sa fac este ca aceasta nu va %22T o sigla, este o schema sau informatii grafica. Acum stiu ce o sigla este, asadar, de ce nu au o duce la crearea unul? Noroc.

monolit 25 Oct. 11 '09

pentru firebrand:imi cer scuze la randu mi daca nu am inteles chiar in intregime mesajul dumneavoastra,apreciez faptul ca incercati sa imi vorbiti in romana,care foarte serios si cu mana pe inima este o limba frumoasa dar foarte complicata.Am inteles ca motivul comentariilor dumneavoastra a fost faptul ca am pus aceasta incercare trista de ''logo%22 sub aspectul vanzarii...foarte neinspirat pentru mine.Cum am mai spus,eu lucrez pe rent-a-coder unde poti vinde absolut orice.Pentru a accentua acest fapt si pt a atrage clienti le trimit linkul cu galeria mea.Pe acest site promit ca nu voi vinde nimic!Tocmai pentru a nu promova anumite logouri sa imi ingustez clientela am incercat sa promovez o colectie cu numele idem ca userul(pentru o mai buna promovare).Accept orice critica privitoare la aceasta colectie,care nici pe departe nu e o forma finala(chiar va multumesc,e un imbold necesar,am mult sa invat de aici).Cu ajutorul criticilor voastre de asemenea va anunt ca in max doi ani monolit 25 va fi un brand important pe acest site (sa imi ajute Dumnezeu si sa pot munci).Sper sa pastram legatura.PS:stiu ca esti grafician si faci logouri ,dar se poarta aliantele(vezi rent a coder)%3Bacum realizez ca mai am mult sa fac o alianta cu cineva(deocamdata!!!).Sper sa pastram legatura si orice critica sincera ma va ajuta enorm!O zi nemaipomenita!

logomotive Oct. 11 '09

os hwat langauge ear ew spaeknig eher ? lgoo desgin?

firebrand Oct. 12 '09

LOL! I'm not trying to be clever but my translator broke so I'm unable to understand or repond to monolit's last post.

monolit 25 Oct. 12 '09

dear firebrand,%0D* I believe that you are a man from Romania who lived in England or you have some business in Romania and you know my language.Regarding the fact you tried to translate your opinions ...I ca not exprime my gratitude...I really appreciate.Andreiu is from Romania so I was speaking with him in Romanian language because it was more easy.(I hope to apologise my very bad English).I promise I will never try to sell my bad logos!I am working on rent -a-coder where everything is for sale,my collection is a link to show to the clients my works.I really do not know that the sign of dollars is so important for all of you...I apologise again ,it was excuseless what I'he done but I really do not know.Regardings my poor works:I know that I am bellow standards,but I put these logos to be commented,to show my what is good or bad,to learn more...I truly believe that nobody was born logo designer.I expected that people will show my mistakes..I hope you understand my ideea.If you want to help me with some pieces of advices be my guest.Anyway I appreciate very much your comments,I won't delete my account,I want in 2 years to be a strong name on this site(I hope God will help me and you).Regards!


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