Marshall Klickman Personal Logo

by mklickman • Uploaded: Jan. 15 '09


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Description: Version 1 of my own personal logo used on any design-related material native to myself.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1604

Lets Discuss

LoGoBoom Jan. 15 '09

Compensating for something? Graphically it has a nice feel but you might get a few snickers from the less mature lot (including myself).

mklickman Jan. 15 '09

Simply fascinating. I would appreciate some objective critiques from anyone else wishing to contribute, regarding things such as effectiveness, color choices, etc.

LoGoBoom Jan. 15 '09

I guess that means you don't consider the fact that it looks like a giant phallic symbol (regardless of the color) to be a valid critique? How more objective on effectiveness could I be?

LoGoBoom Jan. 15 '09

I should add that when it comes to phallic symbols, I know of what I speak. Look at this monstrosity: :-)*

sdijock Jan. 15 '09

Unfortunately for you mklickman, I'm going to have to side with logoboom on this one. Even though we can relate to the concept you were actually going for, it's difficult to get past the phallic aspect of this logo - not trying to be childish, just honest.**The colors are cool and the logo is actually well executed from a technical standpoint, but beyond that you might be heading into dangerous territory. Sorry dude.


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