by mje • Uploaded: Feb. 10 '21


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Description: this logo is for personal artwork signature. use Chinese brush style and Chinese calligraphy write the fist letter of the name of the artist. this is for showing the personality and art style of the artist. 此標章用於個人繪圖作品.仿製毛筆與書法運筆寫出作者名字的羅馬拼音字首,在世界通用的字符下,展現中華文字的美與風格,以此表達作品走向、作者性格與根性。
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 929
Tags: calligraphy art brush Chinese

Lets Discuss

LPAdmin Feb. 11 '21

Looks good, i dont think the one with the black square works, though, might want to give them all a one over at the small sizes, cant read the Mai Jiang En at all, on the thumbnails, maybe in that usage for, the english name comes off.

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