Creatix Design and TechnologyStudio

by mitch_g • Uploaded: Jan. 22 '08


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Description: CREATIX is an interactive marketing & advertising firm focused on creating exceptional experiences through creative design, innovative technology, interactivity and unique implementations of your brand.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2923

Lets Discuss

KGB Jan. 22 '08

nice. the type seems a bit large for the swoopy thing. or maybe the color of the type is too dark.

Thomas Jan. 23 '08

Totally agree with KGB. Type is too present, wiping out your excellent and so subtle work on the mark: too bold and/or too dark, some breathing space needed and simplified (don't sure little stroke of the %22r%22 is necessary). May be you will have to work more on %22c%22, %22e%22 and %22a%22... Keep on the good work!


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