The Russians

by mishdogg • Uploaded: Jan. 15 '08 - Gallerized: Jan. '08


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Description: Fantastic rock band
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3549

Lets Discuss

Lawrence Anderson Jan. 16 '08

I think connecting the %22t%22 to the center star is creating some visual tension.

ostrov svobody Jan. 16 '08

This opinion of the American? In this %22logo%22 there is nothing Russian. You it is far from a reality.

Lawrence Anderson Jan. 16 '08

I think ostrov missed something.

mishdogg Jan. 16 '08

%22This opinion of the American?%22 - Ostrov**Please don't take offense at this logo, it was for a very decent rock band that was made of five musicians who were all big fans of the great Russian philosophers. One of the original concepts featured a pen, but they wanted a design with a bear instead.

ostrov svobody Jan. 17 '08

Where it is possible to find music of these guys?

AL Jan. 17 '08

I'm Polish (so quite close to our neighbours Russians) and I find it funny. The part of Europe where I come from and further East is by some Western people considered as land of %22white bears%22 i.e. because they have little or no knowledge about it :) If the band knows great Russian philosophers, they must have good knowledge of Russians therefore the logo is an irony, nothing bad.%0D*%0D*I like it! It fits rock style and defenitely will look good on drums.

ostrov svobody Jan. 17 '08

OK! It is rehabilitated! :)*

mishdogg Jan. 17 '08

Oh, they're great. Here's their myspace page:*

logomotive Jan. 17 '08

sorry mish, I like some of your other stuff but this one is not my cup of tea, mostly because it's very hard to read and reminds me of something sketched on a napkin and nothing wrong with that just feels unpolished thats all. But I'm sure it fits the music so to each their own.

drewboy Jan. 18 '08

I have to say that I can see no merit in this, either conceptually or in terms of execution. Sorry! I'm surprised it's in the gallery to be honest.

dariux Jan. 18 '08

Is rare, but i like it.

inko9nito Jan. 28 '08

I'm Russian too and even though I saw a panda (bear, panda, same thing) at first I still found it really funny and it reminded me of Russian caricature cartoons. I guess it's the stars or something haha. Very cute :)


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