
by mil3n • Uploaded: Apr. 29 '08 - Gallerized: Apr. '08


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Description: design team
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4868

Lets Discuss

cfig May. 02 '08

This one seems like it's trying a bit too hard to me. I'd definitely work with refining the type underneath if nothing else, seems a bit slapped on.

mil3n May. 03 '08

thanks for the comments! this is still under development, so thanks for the help! i think both of you are right.

illusio Sep. 21 '08

Try losing that circle too and concentrate on that %22F.%22 Any reason it's larger than the rest of the letters? This has some potential though. Keep working it! Also, try a lime green with that chocolate brown. It could add more legibility.


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