
by midgar • Uploaded: Jun. 16 '09


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Description: RedFox24
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4484

Lets Discuss

fblcreations Jun. 16 '09

Love it. Straight to the point, and very memorable

c4creative Jun. 17 '09

Cool looking fox, but i'm not sure about the integration of the 24 into the fox though. What's it for?

gyui Jun. 18 '09

%5Eagree with the 24 integration, took me a moment to see it. without the title, i never would have seen it.

OcularInk Jun. 18 '09

Ha! I didn't see it either. That's great! Love the overall style of the fox as well. His little smirk is priceless.

midgar Jun. 18 '09

Thanks for your comments guys. This is still work in progress, but I think I can answer some of your doubts right now...**First of all this is not the full logo. It is rather rare that the client would go for such a stand-alone graphic symbol. Especially when it is a web company and clearly standing its name (and internet domain) is crucial, as it is in this case. So the full logo will consist of the text %22RedFox%22 and then the above symbol. %22RedFox%22 and the negative %2224%22 will be placed in one horizontal line (so that the %22graphic fox%22 will stick out) and I hope it will make the %2224%22 part more visible - right now everyone is probably concentrating pretty strictly on the fox with now hints of the %2224%22 from the %22missing text-flow%22.**I had also considered using some different colors to point out the existence of the %2224%22 part, but I have ran into some problems with such an approach. It seems that the name of the company itself pretty much restricts color usage to red and possibly some neurtal colors like black, white and gray. Follow me with this for a moment...*There are 3 parts of the name - %22Red%22, %22Fox%22 and %2224%22. I assume that the first two are quite clearly the more important and the last part is probably just for the sake of %22internet and domain uniqueness%22... So lets start with the %22Red%22 - it would seem awkard to me to present it in a color other than red (or neutral). Then goes %22Fox%22 and - as the name stands - the fox is red, so it%60s a simillar situation. Then we have %2224%22, but I feel rather restrained to introduce a new, not-neutral color at this point. It seems to me that it would feel somehow forced and out of place, especially as I don%60t really see any reason or excuse to use it in the graphic symbol... So I end up with the all-red (alternatively red-and-black) logo:-)**Sorry for this massive elaboration - hope you didn%60t yawn too much%3B-)**Thanks again for your time and comments!**


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