by midgar • Uploaded: Feb. 03 '09 - Gallerized: Feb. '10
Concept (and hopefuly final) logo for a capital management company.
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Lets Discuss
I think theres an unfortunate link between the F and u. Not sure how to fix that..?
ReplyWell designed bull and typo.
Replywidzialem na allegro, bardzo fajne.*handlujesz tam jeszcze ?*pozdro :)
Reply@magicshadow*Okazjonalnie jeszcze wystawiam tam aukcje. Generalnie jednak zdolalem sie juz chyba wygrzebac z tej piaskownicy%3B-)**-------------**And on the occasion of already commenting under this logo - the client has chosen a %22full%22 version of the bull, without the empty space inside (which gives the shilouette much more interesting detail). Of course it is too heavy and flat... It is just a shame..:-(
ReplyVery cool mark! :)
Replyfajne logo.
ReplyRival aggressive bull %3D nice logo!
Replynice mark bud
ReplyGreat strong design!
ReplyNice! Bull represents power and prestige
ReplyThank you all!
ReplyCool bull )
Replythanks a lot
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