by microenana • Uploaded: Jun. 22 '07


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Description: ABT is a biotechnology company. Products and marketing stuff goes straight to laboratories. I tried to make it as identifiable and easy to remember as possible, as it normally goes without the company name, just the circle with ABT. Comments are always welcome.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1151

Lets Discuss

nido Jun. 22 '07

i really like the look, its very clean %26 proffessional, though ive seen it done often... (what was that american tv station called..abc?) not saying you %22ripped them off%22 not at all, im saying i actualy like this %26 i think your bravery in trying something as simple as this has come off well... am i making sense?

Craven91 Jun. 22 '07

Nido, I think that is a record for backpedals in one post.%0D*%0D*Can you just give him your honest opinion, instead of trying to be his buddy?%0D*%0D*How else can he learn to take honest criticism or learn to be able to take suggestions and apply them to his work if you are hitting him with this kind of stuff?%0D*%0D*%0D*Craven's HONEST opinion:%0D*%0D*This is a fine logo - but not very interesting.%0D*%0D*What is the significance of the missing parts of the B or the A? Have you tried move the type around in different locations in relation to the circle?%0D*%0D*I think this is a good starting point, but you need to add or alter something to make this more unique.

nido Jun. 22 '07

yes!!! another record i have broken! well done for spotting that craven91... you as sharp as they come...

nido Jun. 22 '07

now my buddy.... ive seen your showcase... my HONEST suggestion to you would be apply that same sharpness to your designs %26 ... BAM! ...but its easier to be 'HONEST' with others i guess ... sad though.... but hey buddy, we all operate differently yes?... good...

Craven91 Jun. 22 '07

What sharpness?%0D*%0D*Have you even taken the time to critique any of my work?%0D*%0D*Don't give me a random %22hey you called me out so your work sucks%22 critique.%0D*%0D*Are you able to put however you feel about me aside and go in there and give some honest feedback on how to make my designs better?%0D*%0D*That's why I'm here. I'm not trying to make everyone feel good. I'm trying to help people become better designers by asking questions, making suggestions and giving feedback on their work.%0D*%0D*I'm challenging you to go in an critique at least one of my logos without the prejudice of how you feel about me now - are you big enough to do that?

kydee Jun. 22 '07

Craven91 - GROW UP!! Your so concerned with other people. If NIDO wants to deal with critiques a little less head on - then that's cool. Why should it bother you.

kaimere Jun. 22 '07

oooh bit of anger here mate ... you two need to calm down :) **In regards to the logo well seems to be on the corporate twist and to me its actually quite distinctive minus a glow, a grad or what not ... sometimes simplicity works.

Craven91 Jun. 22 '07

As a fellow designer, I think he is doing microenana a diservice.%0D*%0D*I brought it up. No need for caps.

kydee Jun. 22 '07

Regardless of whether you think it's right or wrong - spending the time to call someone out like that is not necessary!

nido Jun. 22 '07

is that bait? lol...im more then happy to buddy you on your designs :) i just figured you had ssooo much advice to give others sooner or later you'd take some of your own %26 hit us with something that was simply out of this world... we're all waiting... my friend let me tell you something about honesty, it dont mean 'im gona be an ass %26 i dont care what you think...' it takes a lot more skill then that... but come.. lets head over to your showcase %26 have a look.. race you there %3B)

kaimere Jun. 22 '07

dude thats your opinion like you said with your smell this logo ... you wanted to change but you couldnt ... **your opinion is one thing and also out of order ... your not privvy to the client designer relationship they have so what give you the right to call it a disservice... **maybe you should act a bit more professionally ....

Craven91 Jun. 22 '07

I am saying Nido is doing a diservice to microenana by not giving him the straight goods. I think he owes it to him as fellow designer to offer some good critiques instead of the buddy-buddy stuff.%0D*%0D*And Kaimere, I already went the rounds with you about my %22honesty.%22 It now looks like you lent Nido some of your material:%0D*%0D*%22i just figured you had ssooo much advice to give others sooner or later you'd take some of your own %26 hit us with something that was simply out of this world%22%0D*%0D*I am not here to fight. Just offer opinions and learn from others.

kaimere Jun. 22 '07

@ craven91 - you ever wondered ... whether there was some point to it ... tell you what lets take this off of microenana's and head to one of yours pick one.

Craven91 Jun. 22 '07

Because the two of you share the same mentality when it comes to %22not%22 criticizing someone's work - that means it's right?%0D*%0D*My critiques do involve suggestions and questions. It's not all bagging on someone design.%0D*%0D*How about you and Nido pick one of my logos and give me some honest feedback and I will check back later and respond.%0D*%0D*%0D*Sorry Microenana to be wasting your space with this nonsense.

aaliyah Jun. 22 '07

at the moment Craven the only one talking nonsense is YOU!**An honest opinion doesnt always have to be negative or involve the use of harsh words.**personally i (and im sure a lot of other ppl aswell) think you have diserviced ALL of your clients. After lookin at your showcase hahahaha............. im suprised your quite outspoken with ure opinions

SpencerLavery Jun. 22 '07

In many ways I think the feedback on logos on this website would be better kept anonymous and only visible to the designer. Commenting on other comments seems entirely irrelevant to me. That way there's no politics, no community, no favourism, no bandwagons, no bullshit. And it does always seem to me, that those being %22honest%22 and for the most part negative, usually are the members with weaker portfolios of work.

Craven91 Jun. 22 '07

I agree Spencer.*No favouristism here.**Even though it appears you are taking a shot at me at the end of your diatribe...**How ironic.

microenana Jul. 05 '07

Hi all at last!!*My God! what a big fuss!*I haven't been able to visit the site since I uploaded my logos, and...what a surprise!*All I have to say is thank you all for your opinions, and I agree with aaliyah, there are as many opinions as people, and as many ways to express that thoughts as opinions...*I did this in a very sort time for a Biotechnology company that sells products only to be seen in the laboratory. All marketing stuff is technical documentation, so I decided to do something as simple as possible. In some applications (packaging, etc) the symbol comes alone, at it is soooo rememberable and identifiable that you remember how it looks in a second.*I am developing all that stuff now, I'll let you know when finished...**Thank you all again and sorry for my english*(Craven91 I am not saying thank you as a buddy-buddy thing...but apart from learning, wouldn't you give a chance to find e-friends who like the same things as you? - I am trying to be kind)

SpencerLavery Dec. 03 '08

No, Craven, I wasn't, apologies if it came across that way. I actually agree with you.


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