by michaelspitz • Uploaded: Feb. 22 '10


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Description: Unused monogram exploration.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 10,351

Lets Discuss

michaelspitz Feb. 22 '10

Tried my best to smack the 'e' out of the 'L'... %3B)%3Cbr%3EI've got a few more with smaller 'L' loops...but let me know how this is working?

Mikeymike Feb. 22 '10

I like the feel and look of this one better than the one with the tail. but it still feels like something is missing. what if you take the end of the %22L%22 and make it go parallel with the line that goes between the %22d%22 and the %22L%22. maybe I'm not clean, but maybe if the bottom of the %22L%22 was just a tad longer while running up to the right. It just feels like there is so much weight on the lower left because of the %22d%22.*make any sense? I'll shut up now.

michaelspitz Feb. 22 '10

@Mikeymike - Hey Mike. Yeah, I think you're well on track. I tried about 25 different variations over the last hour or so, and I just can't tell what feels best anymore. There seems to be a fine line between seeing an 'L' or an 'E' or 'P'... For the weighting issue %3E I tried a horizontal line extending from the tail of the 'L' but it ended up looking more like an 'E'...also tried making the loop smaller %26 larger on the 'L', but it kind of came off as a 'P'.**Anyway I'll see if I have what you're talking about in the variation pool, and other wise I'll give it a go get this one an update.**Thanks a lot for the feedback! :)

chirp Feb. 22 '10

It's coming along nicely. I agree with minkeymike that it's weighed down lower-left, but I sort of like that. Feels like an entertainment venue. Real old-Hollywood flavor.

Mikeymike Feb. 22 '10

sent you a quick email with something that may explain what I was talking about. Hope it helps. if it doesn't i know you'll nail the design, you usually do. :)

michaelspitz Feb. 22 '10

@chirp - Thanks! In the end I can't necessairly say this 'specific feel' is what the client is necessairly looking for...but I'm certainly happy with where it's heading all the same %3B)**@Mikeymike - Message recieved! Thanks again Mike! :)%3Cbr%3ELooks like a nice solid solution %3E I'll take a run at hammering it out in just a bit. Cheers!!*

michaelspitz Feb. 22 '10

*UPDATE**Credit to Mike for the celver hint on the 'L' tail...%3Cbr%3EI think that might just have been the balancing point it was looking for.*Thanks again Mike! :)

Mikeymike Feb. 22 '10

yeah, that seems to balance better. IMO. like the bright color too.*nice mike.

kathariney Feb. 22 '10

yea, this looks better than the orange %22He%22.*For a second, I thought the tittle reads %22DL 28%22.....

michaelspitz Feb. 22 '10

@kathariney - Ha! Sorry Katherine! I kind of got into a ridiculous serial number titling kick there... %3B)%3Cbr%3E(Apparently it makes sense for my file structure, but not to anyone dropping by...)*When I get a second, I'll update all the titles...*Thanks again for looking in! Happy to take all the feedback I can get! %3B)

chirp Feb. 24 '10

Michael, this update is it! Well worth the extra effort.

michaelspitz Feb. 24 '10

@chirp - Thanks a lot! I think the client has decided to forgo this direction, in favor of the initial tunnel/beam concept...but I'm pretty happy with how this guy's turned out in any case. Cheers! :)


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