
by mehndi • Uploaded: Jun. 29 '10


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Description: L in hindi resembles a heart for love. Cant think of where this might get used. Maybe a lovers match making site.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2384

Lets Discuss

sbj Jun. 30 '10

u got right connection looks nice.. bt u can try diffrent forms of 'la' so that heart shape will look more prominent..

mehndi Jun. 30 '10

@ sbj. Thanks for that. I think the heart in the image you supplied is already so prominent i would'nt know how to make it stand out so much. I mean that's a really good one too.

sbj Jun. 30 '10

wat i mean is heart is prominent n good bt the straight line of la is a bit breaking the rhythm.. if u use other version it will maintain it.. just try n see..


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