
by mcorbett26 • Uploaded: Sep. 29 '11


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Description: This is another type of personal logo this is the sketchbook dump, when I dumped my brain, this is what I came up with
Status: Student work
Viewed: 873

Lets Discuss

synthpaper Sep. 29 '11

Is this for the braindump logo project? I quite like this one, is the name%22radikal plus%22? When I first saw it I thought it was just %22radikal%22 and the red was just a decoration. Maybe if it was emphasized more or placed at the end it would read %22plus%22 a bit more.**Also, the Red Cross might not like it … or at least they were really cracking down on businesses that were using that symbol a few years ago. :p

mcorbett26 Sep. 29 '11

Ah ok yeah. I thought about the plus at the end, wanted it integrated, i tried it on the %22t%22. it looked like a cross

lithean Sep. 29 '11

Im not sure what this logo is for. If I had to guess I would say its for some kind of rifle optic company. This logo could be good with a little better designing. Contact me and we can go over it.

vision design and graphics Sep. 30 '11

mcorbett26,*This is your best logo (by far) out of all the logos that you have submitted. However it does need some work, I like the type and even like the red cross, but I think we have the opportunity to play with the placement of the cross and even make it more interesting and visually pleasing. Like Zane said, please come in and work with him and myself to take this logo to the next level.


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