DJ Loop

by mavleeb • Uploaded: Jun. 30 '09 - Gallerized: Jun. '09


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Description: Logo for a friend who is a DJ
Status: Client work
Viewed: 44013

Lets Discuss

lundeja Jul. 01 '09

%5EFile not found?

tao Jul. 02 '09

Don't know about the icons.

matthiason Jul. 04 '09

hmm... i posted an image from G4TV's %22Attack of the Show%22... They have a segment called %22The Loop%22 which has used almost the exact same logo.*Try this picture:***

janji Jul. 05 '09

Is this a font? Anybody an idea where I can get it? I think i've seen it several times in use... but don't remember where. : %7C thanks!!

bweird1203 Jul. 09 '09

This is the loop logo used on G4TVs Attack of Show.**which is clearly VERY different, and much worse, than the current design. Certainly not a %22direct copy%22 matthiason.

pixelauthor Jul. 10 '09

Pretty darn close - bweird, that is NOT the Loop's logo. Here is a link to theirs:***And HERE is a link to another one. . .seems this logo is popular.***Seems Mavleeb changed the path of the %22loop%22 just enough to be different...but not sure it'd get him clear of IP. Too close for comfort in my opinion. Definitely not an original idea, in any case.

barryconvex Jul. 16 '09

Sorry, but this idea has been done before (a lot of times, especially the treatment of the Os).%0D*%0D*

shaneg Jul. 27 '09

Love this logo, love the overlapping, the shadow, and the roundness, it really flows well.

veeroo18 Aug. 11 '09

great work ! i liked the treatment. i am new here. just checked lp's sponsor's site.. **i found this on lp sponsor's website.. **@barryconvex : its cool to know that this concepts is looped concept.. **:D*

kendrastaggs Aug. 12 '09

hey... this is a great idea... just two many elements are contrasting with one another.... this is going to be difficult to explain, so bare with me.**what if the white space in side the %22O%22 %22O%22 and %22P%22 were in the shape of the fastforward, play signs and were white, and not black.. make sense?

philgauthier Aug. 20 '09

That's one hell of a kickass logo! Good job!

mavleeb Aug. 21 '09

Thank you very much for the comments guys.I guess looping the O's is a common solution to treatment of the word as so many people have had the same idea.

logopunk May. 09 '10

Seen this so many times, sorry

tryxxe1987 Aug. 11 '10

seen exact same thing somwhere without the icons though..

samuel Oct. 23 '10

The logo for a friend who is a DJ is quiet interesting. I think one can make a better logo than that of it using the proper color in correct proportion. The style of mixing is quiet nice.*Samuel - Blogs about %3Ca href%3D%22 building workouts%3C/a%3E.*

jarod Feb. 24 '11

Hi, How can I get in touch with this awesome designer???

salvync Jun. 21 '11

I really like the design. The play, rewind and forward. Very cool concept.

fran rosa Dec. 07 '11

It seems it's not the most original concept in the world (I did a similar one back in 2008: But very nice shape, and I love color. Great work.


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