International Flag Football League

by mattkauz • Uploaded: Feb. 04 '08


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Description: proposed logo...
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Lets Discuss

sdijock Feb. 04 '08

Looks cool, although, I think your football and type are leaning back too far - I would bring them forward more. Also, I would do more to incorporate/highlight your flags more to really get the idea across that it's a flag-football league. Stylistically though, nice job.

admarcbart Feb. 04 '08

The containing shape looks very very similar to those used by the %22NFL%22: **Your text IFFL needs more depth to it, especially on the bottom edge. It looks flat compared to the rest. I think this will add to the design.**Nice work regardless.

matthiason Feb. 04 '08

Do you think I should add a red drop shadow underneath IFFL? Or how else should I change it to achieve better %22depth%22?

NessMasta Aug. 15 '08

The logo looks nice and clean, like other sports league logos. The shield behind the football and 'IFFL' looks similar to the shield used for the Stanley Cup Finals logo for both 2006 and 2007. I'd say maybe try and make another shield and see how that goes first. But other than that, awesome color scheme and concept.

lock_Designs Nov. 12 '09

Hey Dude, you might want to check out the Ron Zook show on the Big Ten network, they totally co-opted your logo. Unless of course you gave them permission to use it, then nevermind. But if they didn't i'd get on that.

matthiason Nov. 13 '09

Hey, I appreciate the heads up! It's not my design any longer (belongs to the client, I just hold rights to showcase it in my portfolios). However, I did send a notice to my client and I sent %22The Ron Zook Show%22 a %22Hey, quit it.%22 e-mail. Outside of that, not much more is in my hands...**Here's a screen capture of the logo for anyone interested to see it. They even ripped the half-tone pattern on the letters...****Thanks again for the heads up!

akeith2002 Aug. 05 '12

What font did you use here? I've been looking online to find a few fonts that other designers would suggest to use or start with when designing sports logos but have had no luck.. any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!


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