Excellence in Manufacturing

by matt.h • Uploaded: May. 09 '10


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Description: Unused logo concept for Excellence in Manufacturing.
As seen on:
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2299

Lets Discuss

rincon May. 10 '10

nice stuf, I'd like to see the B%26W version

matt.h May. 10 '10

Thanks Rincon. It works OK in B%26W although it does lose some of it's impact. I'll try and get around to uploading a B%26W version soon.**This concept was eventually dismissed as%3B for the purpose for which it was meant, it was considered a bit too 'radical', and possibly too difficult to reproduce.

JoePrince May. 11 '10

This is pretty cool looking.

JF May. 11 '10

Beautiful...though it does remind me of the Atari logo. A 3-D, somewhat modified and rotated Atari logo, with a couple more lines in there, that is...


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