Kids Quest

by mariagroenlund • Uploaded: Jan. 20 '14 - Gallerized: Jun. '14


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Description: Unsused suggestion. Custom-made letters
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 13344

Lets Discuss

logomotive Jan. 26 '14

I like how you have offset the star, yet so alive an balanced.

type and signs Jan. 27 '14

really good this one !!!

chanpion Jun. 10 '14

Unused!!!??? 2 Fs from me.

ocularink Jun. 11 '14

Love that mark. I agree with Mike about the offset shape to the star. One little critique, looking at the custom made letters, the Q seems a little heavy in comparison to all the other letters. I'd just work a little on the weight of it.

mariagroenlund Jun. 11 '14

You've got a point ocularink. I can see what you mean :) Thanks for the nice comments!


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