Asociacion Manos Unidas de Grecia

by luuurq • Uploaded: Nov. 16 '09


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Description: This is an association from Costa Rica that seeks to build a transitional home for at-risk children.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 4939

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Nov. 17 '09

Nice job. You might scale the logo down within the template just a bit to offer a better display.

sofiellen Nov. 22 '09

Very nice baby!!! i really like it!!! good work!!!

luuurq Nov. 23 '09

thanks OcularInk!!*jajajaja gracias sofi q linda :D jajajaja thank you baby!!! jajajaja

hitbyreindeer Nov. 23 '09

me encanta la sutileza del offset, y el gr%E1fico se ve muy bien! Great work lucia


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