
by logoholik • Uploaded: Oct. 16 '08 - Gallerized: Jan. '09


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Description: What happens when you mix wunderkid and aikido? Well, wunderkiddo, of course :)
Status: Client work
Viewed: 13938

Lets Discuss

Type08 Oct. 16 '08

Aber ja, naturlich!

penflare Oct. 16 '08

i could tell right away this was a bojan design, nice job mate!

penflare Oct. 16 '08

or should i say bojanified design

tkhoury Oct. 28 '08

your are so good man!

logoholik Oct. 31 '08

Huh, thanks. You too!

logoholik Jan. 01 '09

WTF?! man, this sucks big time... i've taken screenshots, will send him not so nice email first... what a nerd...

firebrand Jan. 01 '09

This guy is the most brazen I've seen. What I don't understand is why he hasn't even changed the name. Doesn't make any sense.

logoholik Jan. 02 '09

Still no response from deviantart, reported his 'work' there, but at least his site is down as i see...

logoholik Jan. 02 '09

Hmm, unbelievable. Just found out that this guy has a gallery over here too... http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/46191

Brandsimplicity Jan. 02 '09

Man...this guy is thick!

epsilon Jan. 02 '09

My guess that the whole point of his DA account is to promote irecomm?nd.tv website. Logos are used just generate the views for the DA account page where the plug for this .tv link is at.

logoholik Jan. 03 '09

Wes pointed me out possible cause of this situation... http://www.scriptlance.com/projects/1230998064.shtml It is simply outrageous...

firebrand Jan. 03 '09

That's just cheap. GRRR!

fuzzyping Jan. 03 '09

LOL, %22I require high sophistication%22... just not enough to pay the original artist.

logoholik Jan. 05 '09

Hmm, hate to see that deviant art page still online... no one responded me for days...

firebrand Jan. 05 '09

No response here either. Totally unprofessional.

logoholik Jan. 15 '09

No really, i am beginning to think something fishy is going on there... just posted new thread on their forums %22http://forum.deviantart.com/community/rips/1233550/%22:http://forum.deviantart.com/community/rips/1233550/

logoholik Jan. 15 '09

Ha, every day i learn something new... plan B then... oh well...

epsilon Jan. 15 '09

Devian Art is hosted by Level3, which is a big ISP and they should have a formalized way to file copyright complaints. Try it, you'd be surprised how much more response you'll get.

firebrand Jan. 15 '09

Well done guys, the've finally pulled the plug on Superflybynight**http://superf1y.deviantart.com/

logoholik Jan. 15 '09

Ha, who would tell... if you wanna get something fixed, call Toni. You scratch my back i scratch yours... :) Cheers!

Fatbat Jan. 19 '09

Oddly enough, I did a logo back in Sept. for a company that does school photos in Ireland called WunderPics. It's not the same, but has a similar feel.**http://www.deepbass.com/logo_wunderpics.jpg**http://www.deepbass.com/bcards_wunderpics.jpg**http://www.deepbass.com/art_wunderpics_frame.jpg

logoholik May. 07 '09

I guess this logo turned out to be really popular... i don't like seeing this version here at all... http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/62130

epsilon May. 16 '09

And another over-inspiration:**%22http://nrds.co.uk%22:http://nrds.co.uk**!http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/7182/nrds.png!**Strangely enough they are asking for a feedback, so it is your chance to speak with them directly and publicly - %22http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id%3D612319%22:http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id%3D612319

logomotive May. 16 '09

WOW, people really love to steal this one Bojan.

patentico May. 16 '09

congrats neighbor, you are most ripped logo author! %3B)

logoholik May. 16 '09

Heh, it seems that i'll have to raise the price for it, huh... jeez...

logoholik May. 16 '09

If anybody is asking why i am so attached to this logo, and am getting mad when i see it ripped off, well, here it goes: Wunderkiddo in his first life (from web archive, 2002) was http://web.archive.org/web/20021213200811/www.onlinestudio.co.yu/index_en.html - one of my first steps towards international market for logo design and graphic design services (Mike, you can see that your play mix with shocked was spot on :). Second life was meant to be given to some UAE company, where plug transformed to wunderkiddo shape wise... Client liked the idea, but wanted something different (which he drew and sent me to revise it) and when i made him that version he decided to play hide and seek, never contacted me again, hence that project never took the daylight (nor my wallet got happy :( ) After all recent happenings over poor kiddo i am thinking to rename it to wunderjinx :)

logomotive May. 16 '09

Bojan, any design you do is yours and you have every right to be attached to it. I understand and that's why I took the initiative to send an email and stand behind you. I have stood behind others also (another story). I'm with ya bro. and hope others can not be afraid to considering the recent circumstances.

logoholik Jun. 17 '09

Last mentioned issue is resolved, however, today i found out that there is a new one... that's not funny anymore... http://sozdaniesaitov.com.ua/

OcularInk Jun. 17 '09

Dang, dude, another one?!?! That sucks!!

Type08 Jun. 17 '09

Logo Hunters or not, we will have to form international special force unit that will handle this sh*t... AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!

logoholik Jun. 17 '09

If you wish, you can leave a comment on their blog titled (ironically...) %22What constitutes a good logo%22 located at %22http://sozdaniesaitov.com.ua/instrume/simvolizm-v-logografii.htm%22:http://sozdaniesaitov.com.ua/instrume/simvolizm-v-logografii.htm I've added mine using (in my rusty Russian too :)

logoholik Nov. 30 '09

It appears that people behind http://www.nrds.co.uk decided to ignore my polite cease and desist letter sent many months ago... Shame...

VB Design Mar. 11 '10

I simply adore this logo.Great work! It's sad that people are trying to steal it from you and pass it as their own design,but I guess that just shows how good it really is :)

logoholik Mar. 26 '10

Thanks Vanja! Lucky for me, i do not have to deal with those issues any more here :)


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